Bulk WhatsApp Sender vs Email Marketing

Hans Agboola (@hansfinest)
2 min readDec 2, 2018
Bulk WhatsApp Sender vs Email Marketing

Bulk WhatsApp Sender vs Email Marketing

Bulk WhatsApp Sender is a software used by many businesses to boost their sales and a must-have tool for Every Business, sales department or salesperson that want to make more sales.

Through WhatsApp, you can be sure to reach a large number of customers at a time Compared to Email Marketing which sometimes has a high bounce rate and your emails end up delivering in the spam folder, and when this happens your email marketing won’t make any positive effect as not everyone attends to emails in the spam folder, this gives WhatsApp marketing an edge over email marketing.

Using WhatsApp Sender also allows users to respond easily to messages or broadcast and this creates instant engagements from your audiences, the main advantage of WhatsApp marketing is that your message will be sent directly to the user mobile phone and This will increase the chances of you converting a user to a customer and increase your sales tremendously.

Whether you have an offer, news, event, updates, Bulk WhatsApp sender allows you to send up to 1000 known customer/minute at once and support all multimedia formats, you can also have meetings and group discussions with your customers using WhatsApp and this will ensure more customer engagement in your product and make your brank interactive.

WhatsApp marketing using Bulk WhatsApp Sender is the best tool to communicate with your customers cheaply and effective marketing tool to help you stay connected to your audience or customer compared to email marketing or others.

Try the Fastest WhatsApp Sender Software. Get our WhatsApp Mass Sender to start your WhatsApp Marketing

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Hans Agboola (@hansfinest)

I am a design generalist with the ability to touch on several areas of design from user research & testing, to interaction & visual design. A fanatic of mobile,